In one of my previous articles, I mentioned that the interim Board for the Imperial Valley Health Care District (IVHD) will have a significant amount of work in a very short time.  Additionally, this newly appointed board has never worked together.  It takes time to build a team and achieve unity of a single purpose. Reorganizing two hospital organizations under one banner is a very complex task that will take time to do it right without interruption of healthcare delivery.  IVHD recently released a press release on the first step of the formation of the new healthcare district.  The press release named six of the seven board members, with the seventh one yet to be appointed although the second round of applications for that seat was due January 10, 2024.

In a continued effort to inform the public of the monumental task ahead, my team has created a timeline of the following tasks, deadlines and status since Assemblymember Garcia’s AB918 was signed by the Governor October 10, 2023.  It is not a comprehensive list, but simply the key items. 

2023 Oct 10AB 918 signed & IVHD must follow Cortese-Know-Hertzberg Completed Local Gov. Reorg. Act of 2000 Completed
2023 Dec 8Language & tax % or funding mechanism must be submittedto Imperial County’s Election DepartmentMissed
2023 Dec 10Initial Board must be formedCompleted: Seeley/Ocotillo appointment pending
2024 JanBoard to address the following items: 
  • Determine funding source(s) in collaboration with LAFCO/Kaufman Hall
  • Draft Ballot Measure
  • Apply for licenses, certification that cannot be transferred from PMHD & HMHD
  • Determine “branding” and strategy to implement
  • Identify voting districts in collaboration with LAFCO
  • Develop policies to hire, administrate, operate and secure accreditation as an entity.
  • Create and approve Bylaws for the new district.
  • Pending
  • March 5th deadline missed
  • Pending
  • Pending
  • Pending
  • Pending
  • Pending
2024 FebInform residents of funding source and potential ballot measure.Pending
2024 Mar 1IVHD first of 3-4 required public meetings in 2024.Pending
2024 Mar-NovStart negotiations with ECRMC & identify:Actual value of assets and liabilitiesCollective bargaining agreements, Retirement plansOperational contracts and Licenses and certificationsPending
2024 MayPropose voting districts in collaboration with LAFCO.Pending
2024 JunSet Public Hearing regarding voting districtSet date to dissolve PMHD & HMHD Pending
2024 Jul 1Codify voting districts with LAFCO. Pending
2024 Aug 2Provide language, tax % or other funding mechanism  and submit to Imperial County Election DepartmentPending
Candidates for the new elected board must file requisite paperwork to Nov 2024 election cycle.  The appointed board members are not eligible.
2024 OctPMHD last payment on $15 M bondPending
2024 Nov 5Finalize acquisition of ECRMC.  The IVHD Board or ECRMC/Bond Holding Company may not agree acquisition term Pending
A Public Meeting needs to be conducted if voters approve the ballot measure
2024 Nov 7Last chance for ballot measure tax % or other funding source & 1st vote for elected board.Pending
2024 Dec 31Annual report due to LAFCOPending
2025 Jan 1PMHD and HMHD DissolvedPending

Please note that many of these activities are dependent on the completion of work by LAFCO. The troubling issue is the lack of information for the two authorized studies.  The first commissioned by the County for LAFCO to complete is flawed as noted in an earlier article.  The second, the infamous Kaufman-Hall has not been provided to LAFCO, the County, and PMHD or, to the best of my knowledge, the Initial Board.  These are fundamental documents by which the Initial board and LAFCO must rely on for any funding source to place before the voters.   These timelines are unrealistic and unachievable.  This does not create a stable foundation to launch the new district.  In less than one year both Hospital Districts will be dissolved.  We encourage Assemblymember Garcia to either change the timelines or have additional legislative corrections to make his creation succeed. 

More insights

The IVHD Endgame: Part 1

 Pioneers Files Injunction in State Superior Court As we said before, we believe Pioneers is right in its pursuit to have AB918 thrown out. The

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