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News and editorial articles from across Imperial County.

Is ECRMC going in the wrong financial direction?

Thank you to all of you who have told me that you appreciate the information provided in my updates.  It is a collaborative effort as I seek wise counsel in each of these updates.  As the new Interim Board is being formed, we must look forward to what is coming next. They have many important tasks to

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Pioneer Memorial Healthcare District’s bond tax payments

The drama of AB 918 should now cease since the bill was approved in California Senate and is on its way to the Governor’s desk for signature.  I hope that next several months provide for a pathway for smooth transition toward a single healthcare district. There is a great deal of work, negotiation, and compromise yet

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An argument to wait on AB 918

As a maturing adult, that is a kind way of saying getting older, I am concerned about healthcare for myself, my family, and all of Imperial Valley. In December 2022 news of the financial collapse of El Centro Regional Medical Center (ECRMC) was made public creating concerns about healthcare in our community. Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia

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AB918: ‘Good Initiative, Bad Judgment’

A good friend use to say “Good Initiative, bad judgment” when referring to well-intentioned effort that has gone bad. Sometimes we start out with the best of intentions, but fall short in the executed plan. It is my sincere hope that the good initiative of Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s AB918 bill will not result in bad

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