Imperial Valley Coalition for Sustainable Healthcare Facilities

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Playing Loose with Rules When It Comes to Our Healthcare

He’s at it again. After ramming through the deeply flawed AB 918 last year, Assemblymember Garcia’s missteps have only multiplied. Now, with the legislative session nearing its end this week, Garcia was hoping he could quietly push through a “clean up” bill, SB 1070, as a last-minute attempt to rectify some of the critical flaws

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IVCSHF statement on press conference

What we saw Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at the hastily-called Imperial Valley Healthcare District press conference was a self-serving, congratulatory pat on the back for the seven appointed board members of the Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD), Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, and Senator Steve Padilla.  While the purpose of the deeply flawed, poorly drafted legislation known

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The Machine Grinds On

On Thursday June 13, 2024, the Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD) passed a resolution to recommend the dissolution of the Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District (PMHD) on December 1 and Heffernan Memorial Healthcare District on October 1, 2024.  This action was taken in following the mandates established in AB918.  What does “dissolution” mean?   Section 32499.95(b) states: “Effective on

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Applauding AB 2098 Help for Hospitals

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia and Senator Steve Padilla continue to focus on health care and its financial situation. Assembly bill 2098 authored by Garcia has recently been approved in the Assembly and moves to the Senate for Padilla’s management of it. The summary states, “Under existing law, the California Health Facilities Financing Authority Act (act) authorizes the

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The 14th Amendment

In April 2024, Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District (PMHD) filed a writ of mandate in Imperial County Superior Court, seeking declaratory relief from Assembly Bill 918, which the district claims has adversely affected its operations and threatens to undermine healthcare in the Imperial Valley. AB 918 resulted in a set of special laws applicable only to

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What is UCSD’s Plan?

During the Imperial Valley Healthcare District meeting held on March 11, the Kaufman Hall feasibility study was reviewed and discussed. One of the participants via Zoom was Patty Maysent, CEO for UCSD Health and a current member of the El Centro Regional Medical Center (ECRMC) Board of Trustees. While Maysent had some pertinent information to

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PMHD Has the Right Idea

For months now the Imperial Valley Coalition for Sustainable Healthcare Facilities (CSHF) has warned of the consequences of a rushed, ill-advised implementation of AB918. We have provided detailed information on the flaws in the new law and the consequences of its implementation.  This week, Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District filed a lawsuit against the newly formed

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Kaufman Hall: IVHD Says Report Doesn’t Live Up to Billing

From the Calexico Chronicle, 3/19/24: The long-awaited Kaufman Hall report was presented at a special meeting of the Imperial Valley Healthcare District Board of Directors last week but was overall deemed inadequate after an anticlimactic summary left everyone — directors, healthcare officials and members of the public — with more questions than answers.  The IVHD

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The Dirty Dozen

Flaws abound in the AB 918 law which is mandating the dissolution of Heffernan Healthcare District and Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District by the end of the year. Here are the some of the flaws of the law: The new board of IVHD is under marching orders from our Comrades Eduardo Garcia and Senator Steve Padilla

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Found and Lost

The much anticipated Kaufman Hall Study finally arrived, albeit the summary only.  So what do we now know?  Just as a refresher, this Kaufman Hall study was commissioned by Preston Hollow, the bond holder for ECRMC in an effort to determine if merging the districts was feasible.  As such, it is a proprietary work product subject to Preston

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