Imperial Valley Coalition for Sustainable Healthcare Facilities

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News and editorial articles from across Imperial County.

No Laughing Matter

At the February 22, 2024, Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD) board meeting, ECRMC Board member and El Centro City Councilman Tomas Oliva stated to the Board and audience that Pioneers Memorial Hospital (PMHD) and Heffernan (HHD) need to “turn over the keys” to their facilities and dissolve as soon as possible. This is pretty rich coming

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Bankruptcy for ECRMC, Is It Time?

At a recent Imperial Valley Healthcare District board meeting, the CEO of ECRMC strongly rejected any consideration on a bankruptcy as part of the negotiation. He cited that he could not do that to the ECRMC employees or the local vender. As the readers now know, ECRMC has an approximate $200 million debt and still

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My View

Kudos to the new Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD) Board with all seven members for their efforts as they focus on the daunting task of creating a successful county-wide system to ensure all valley residents have access to hospital care and related healthcare systems as referenced in AB 918, Sec. 1. (l). The new law speaks to

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Mergers and Acquisitions

The Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD) has sprung into action and is now considering how to merge Pioneers Memorial Healthcare District (PMHD) and Heffernan Memorial Healthcare District (HMHD).  IVHD eventually will have to decide to acquire El Centro Regional Medical Center (ECRMC). One of the first issues, and likely the most critical, should be to hire

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Rants and Raves

Rants and Raves of Imperial Valley is a group on Facebook that comments on the good and bad things here.  Other areas have the same type of groups.  Having watched the February 22, 2024 Imperial Valley Healthcare District, my team and I have chosen to use this rants and raves format to comment on the meeting.  First of

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No Amendments for AB918

It’s Peace Out for Assemblyman Garcia. In most of our articles, we have been advocating for amendments to AB918.  To see these suggested amendments go to the Solutions page. In the State Legislature February 16 is the last day that any amendments can be initiated for amendments to any prior chaptered bill, like AB918.  However, it is clear

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Raising Issues—On All Sides

While I am loathe to respond to Mr. Keith Bradkowski’s most recent article, I must correct the record.  He is certainly is entitled to his opinion about my articles. He frequently references his termination from PMHD which should be a private matter, however he has made very public. Since his termination is now a legal issue it

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Due Diligence Now!

Now that the Imperial Valley Healthcare District (IVHD) Board has been sworn in (minus 1), it is now time for them to roll up their sleeves and tackle the beast that lies before them. As my team and I previously wrote, the board has an extreme number of tasks that have to be accomplished on

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Kaufman Hall, Where Are You?

Once the new Imperial Valley Healthcare District board is sworn in, they will face the task of bringing together two healthcare districts and potentially acquire El Centro Regional Medical Center based on a very short timeline mandated by Assembly member Garcia’s AB 918.  Among the many tasks they are faced with the most important is

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The Clock Is Ticking

In one of my previous articles, I mentioned that the interim Board for the Imperial Valley Health Care District (IVHD) will have a significant amount of work in a very short time.  Additionally, this newly appointed board has never worked together.  It takes time to build a team and achieve unity of a single purpose. Reorganizing two

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