While I am loathe to respond to Mr. Keith Bradkowski’s most recent article, I must correct the record.  He is certainly is entitled to his opinion about my articles. He frequently references his termination from PMHD which should be a private matter, however he has made very public. Since his termination is now a legal issue it should not be a public issue especially since PMHD cannot legally comment. Now to correct the record from my prospective based on facts.

In my several articles, some of which have been published in the Calexico Chronicle, we have not dismissed PMHD nor glossed over its financial condition. We have provided the same information in side by side comparison a number of times.

My professional background is not in mergers and acquisitions or finances, but the team and I have made the effort to do research to assist the public in understanding of the complexity of tasks to be accomplished in a short time.  The Imperial Valley Coalition for Sustainable Healthcare Facilities has with every document or presentation indicated that we support the concept of a single healthcare system for Imperial Valley.

Mr. Bradkowski has noted that PMHD bond rating by Fitch indicated a poor rating. It is indeed a B, however one might question why there is no rating for the ECRMC or the City of El Centro.  We do not know the answer to that so we have not addressed it.

Additionally, PMHD was turning the financial corner prior to infusion of the $28 million. Mr. Bradkowski does echo the concerns expressed by many.  How are the hospitals that we need “going to conduct business differently in order to become financially solvent”.  Since PMHD has already started that process and ECRMC has not, even with ditching maternity care, pediatric care and the requisite based station, we believe the public focus should be on how decisions like these are made.

It is important to remind Mr. Bradkowski, that PMHD is not the target of a merger and acquisition.  ECRMC is intended for acquisition and therefore ECRMC financial health is a primary focus. In fact PMHD has been taken without a vote of its residents by the enactment of the AB 918. 

Mr. Bradkowski asks “to those who do not support the new healthcare district, I ask, ‘Where were these individuals over the past 10 years when both hospitals were failing financially, yet their administrators received cash bonuses?’ I have to remind Mr. Bradkowski that we do not oppose the new healthcare district.  We want it to succeed, however AB918 has multiple flaws that will prevent its success.  The only valid part of this question focuses on Hospital leadership.  The Boards and CEOs of PMHD, ECRMC and HMHD are now under intense public scrutiny due to past performance and pressure to stabilize their systems. Since December 2022, four CEOs have dealt with the issues., however, at the present time PMHD is now profitable after 10 months with an interim CEO and the new permanent CEO is now on board.  ECRMC had a short time with a financial oriented CEO, and since March, an experienced nurse manager. He has reported that ECRMC are just now turning the corner.  He and his CFO have the task to truly make a difference with the clock running out. 

While you were only at PMHD for just over a year, can we ask what you were doing to inform management and the public of your concerns? We believe that our articles have brought public awareness to the issues now that we know about them.  

The Imperial Valley Coalition for Sustainable Healthcare Facilities has a mission to inform and educate the public. Mr. Bradkowski may not like the information that we submit, but that may have more to do with a personal animus towards PMHD. 

We encourage Keith to get back in the fight. The healthcare community has a shortage of qualified skilled medical professionals. They need you out there! Have a great week and I hope your legal issues are resolved, but not at the expense of our healthcare system for which you are so protective.

More insights

The IVHD Endgame: Part 1

 Pioneers Files Injunction in State Superior Court As we said before, we believe Pioneers is right in its pursuit to have AB918 thrown out. The

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